*We aim to reopen gradually from March onwards. However, we will control sales in accordance with the rules for disability welfare. Therefore, we are sorry, will reduce sales items and adjust prices.
*We aim to reopen gradually from March onwards. However, we will control sales in accordance with the rules for disability welfare. Therefore, we are sorry, will reduce sales items and adjust prices.

プレミアム玩具に関して / Regarding the premium toys

プレミアム玩具に関して / Regarding the premium toys




Thank you for visiting our website!

For now, we are registering the products, but we will update the prices and photos when the site reopens, so please take the time to check the product page after the site reopens.
In addition, we make changes to prices to reflect market prices at auctions, flea market apps, purchase prices, and some toy shops, as well as to accommodate the need to pay wages to our employees with people with disabilities.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to customers who are currently using this site, and thank you for your continued support of this site.

Please continue to enjoy our website.

前の記事 Notice of this site renewal /サイトリニューアルのお知らせ
次の記事 Regarding product updates / 商品の更新に関して