*We aim to reopen gradually from March onwards. However, we will control sales in accordance with the rules for disability welfare. Therefore, we are sorry, will reduce sales items and adjust prices.
*We aim to reopen gradually from March onwards. However, we will control sales in accordance with the rules for disability welfare. Therefore, we are sorry, will reduce sales items and adjust prices.

Small products

小さい商品に関して/Regarding small items





Thank you for using our website.

This site is currently temporarily suspended, but if we can increase the number of users of the facility for people with disabilities that we are currently opening, we would like to start selling small items like the attached photo.
Currently, this is not possible due to a lack of manpower・・・.

We look forward to your continued support.

前の記事 Regarding product updates / 商品の更新に関して
次の記事 障害者施設開業準備によるサイトの一次停止のお知らせ / Notice of temporary suspension of the site due to preparations for opening of a facility for people with disabilities