※It is scheduled to reopen in September 2024.We are currently building an EC site and registering products.
※It is scheduled to reopen in September 2024.We are currently building an EC site and registering products.


モデロイド ブラックシンカリオン / MODEROID Black Shinkalion

原价 ¥11,000 - 原价 ¥11,000
¥11,000 - ¥11,000
现价 ¥11,000

Comment: Please refer to the attached pictures. / 写真にてご確認下さい。

※ヨドバシカメラで購入した時より、ラッピングされており開封していません。 / It has been wrapped and has not been opened since I purchased it from Yodobashi Camera in Japan.

Maker: Good smile company
Works & Series:  シンカリオン / Shinkalion
Condition: Unopend / 未開封