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※We are gradually preparing, so please wait a little longer until we resume operations. First, we plan to resume sales of products made by people with disabilities and to markets outside of Japan. Mar.2.2025
※We are gradually preparing, so please wait a little longer until we resume operations. First, we plan to resume sales of products made by people with disabilities and to markets outside of Japan. Mar.2.2025


Notice of this site renewal /サイトリニューアルのお知らせ

Thank you for using Prevision-Market every time!
There have been significant updates to the site we are currently using, and we plan to renew it before the site reopens.
Although the appearance will not change much, internal security features will be upgraded. Depending on the time of year, you may not be able to view the site, but we will notify you again when it reopens, so we appreciate your continued support.
Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation!


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