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※We are gradually preparing, so please wait a little longer until we resume operations. First, we plan to resume sales of products made by people with disabilities and to markets outside of Japan. Mar.2.2025
※We are gradually preparing, so please wait a little longer until we resume operations. First, we plan to resume sales of products made by people with disabilities and to markets outside of Japan. Mar.2.2025


ES合金 真ゲッタ- 1 ブラックver. アート・ストーム / ES Alloy Shin Getter 1 Black ver.

Original price ¥0
Original price ¥40,000 - Original price ¥40,000
Original price
Current price ¥40,000
¥40,000 - ¥40,000
Current price ¥40,000

Comment: Please refer to the attached pictures. / 写真にてご確認下さい。

Maker: ART STORM Co.,Ltd.
Works & Series: Getter Robot / 真(チェンジ!!) ゲッターロボ 世界最後の日
Condition: Unopened / 未開封

For product details, please see the manufacturer's page here.

  • サイズ:全高約15センチ
  • 付属品:ゲッタートマホーク、ゲッターサイト、ゲッターライフル、ゲッターウイング、ゲッタービームエフェクトパーツ、ストナーサンシャインエフェクトパーツ、開き手パーツ、握り手パーツ、持ち手パーツ、ベーススタンド

Size: Height approx. 15cm
Planning and production: ACTION TOYS
Publisher: Art Storm
Accessories: Getter Tomahawk, Getter Sight, Getter Rifle, Getter Wing, Getter Beam Effect Parts, Stoner Sunshine Effect Parts, Open Hand Parts, Grip Hand Parts, Handle Parts, Base Stand