BB戦士 武者多威無掘駆主・壱 / BB warrior Musya time Box 1
Comment: Please refer to the attached pictures. / 写真にてご確認下さい。
Maker: Bandai
Works & Series: SD Gudam / SDガンダム
Condition: Unassembled / 未組立
Comment: Please refer to the attached pictures. / 写真にてご確認下さい。
Maker: Bandai
Works & Series: SD Gudam / SDガンダム
Condition: Unassembled / 未組立
Comment: Please refer to the attached pictures. / 写真にてご確認下さい。 Maker: BandaiWorks & Series: SD Gudam / SDガンダムCondition: Unassembled / 未組立PKG-Si...
詳細を全部見るComment: Please refer to the attached pictures. / 写真にてご確認下さい。 Maker: BandaiWorks & Series: SD Gundam Cross Series / SDガンダム クロスシリーズCondition: U...
詳細を全部見るComment: Please refer to the attached pictures. / 写真にてご確認下さい。 ※輸送箱は開封済み、商品は未開封です。 / The shipping box has been opened, but the product is unopened. ...
詳細を全部見るComment: Please refer to the attached pictures. / 写真にてご確認下さい。 Maker: BANDAIWorks & Series: SD Gundam BB Senshi / SDガンダム BB戦士Condition: unassemb...
詳細を全部見るComment: Please refer to the attached pictures. / 写真にてご確認下さい。 Maker: BANDAIWorks & Series: SD Gundam BB Senshi / SDガンダム BB戦士 Product:機動武人天鎧王 ゴー...