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※We are gradually preparing, so please wait a little longer until we resume operations. First, we plan to resume sales of products made by people with disabilities and to markets outside of Japan. Mar.2.2025
※We are gradually preparing, so please wait a little longer until we resume operations. First, we plan to resume sales of products made by people with disabilities and to markets outside of Japan. Mar.2.2025


覇王大系リューナイト リューパラディン アデュー・レジェンド版 / Haō Taikei Ryū Knight Leupaladin Adu Legend ver.

Original price ¥0
Original price ¥10,000 - Original price ¥10,000
Original price
Current price ¥10,000
¥10,000 - ¥10,000
Current price ¥10,000

Comment: Please refer to the attached pictures. / 写真にてご確認下さい。

※パッケージ未開封品としてお店で購入したものですが、写真にある通り、上部にテープの二度張りがあります。検品時に確認したか、テープがない場合は貼る場合があると書いてありました。こちらでは中身確認はしておりませんので、写真にてご確認下さい。 / *This item was purchased at a store as an unopened package. However, as you can see in the photo, there is a double layer of tape on the top. It was written that it was checked at the time of inspection, or that if there was no tape, it might be pasted. We do not check the contents, so please check the photos.

Works & Series: Haō Taikei Ryū Knight / リューナイト
Condition: Unopened Box / 輸送箱未開封