*We aim to reopen gradually from March onwards. However, we will control sales in accordance with the rules for disability welfare. Therefore, we are sorry, will reduce sales items and adjust prices.
*We aim to reopen gradually from March onwards. However, we will control sales in accordance with the rules for disability welfare. Therefore, we are sorry, will reduce sales items and adjust prices.


Guide to using this site (Non-premium toys)

About membership registration

On this site, you can enjoy shopping by registering as a member when placing an order.
After registering as a member, you can use "My Account" from "Member Login". *However, you can purchase it without registering as a member.
Please choose according to your situation.
  • Registration is free. (There will be no membership fees, etc.)
  • You can register at the time of ordering or in advance.

About the email address you register

If you do not receive an email to the email address you registered when you registered as a user, please check the following.
  • Check your spam folder, etc. Due to your provider's settings, your email may be received in a folder other than the one where it should be received, such as your spam folder. First, please check all folders in your email software.
  • When using mobile phones, there are an increasing number of cases where e-mails from shops are being blocked due to "designated domain reception" or "reception settings for e-mails from PCs." Please check your reception settings so that you can receive emails from this site [info@prevision-market.com].
  • If you are forwarding emails, If you are forwarding emails from a shop to another address, depending on the forwarding method, the email may be marked as spam and not be received. If you cannot receive the email at the email forwarding destination, please check the content at the email forwarding source.

    How to order

    You can order products by following the steps below.

    1. On the desired product page, select the required items such as product size and quantity and "Add to Cart".


    2. After moving to the "Shopping Cart" page, check that the ordered items are displayed correctly and then "Proceed to the purchase process".


    ※*From this screen, you can set the delivery time and fill in the notes section. Please check the bottom left.

    3. If you are a member, enter your "email address" and "password" and press "Member Login".

    *If you are a new member or have not yet registered, enter your orderer information, check "Agree to the membership terms and register" under "New member registration", and set a password. On the same screen, also set the delivery address and click "Next". However, it is also possible to purchase without registering as a member.



    4. When you go to the "Select payment method" page, select credit card payment, PayPal payment, etc. Select the "Delivery method" setting for each product and proceed to "Next".

    5. When you move to the "Order Details Confirmation" page, confirm the details and "Confirm Order"

    Your order will be completed by following the steps above.

    Once your order is complete, we will send an "Order Confirmation Email" to the email address you registered.
    An "Order Confirmation Email" will be automatically sent as soon as your order is completed.
    If you have not received an "Order Confirmation Email", please check your junk folder as it may have been sorted into your junk folder.
    If you have not received an email from Prevision-Market, please contact us using the inquiry form or call us.

    Payment method


    payment system

    This site is entirely built using the Shopify system, and all electronic payments are also made using the Shopify system. It is widely used all over the world and is extremely durable.
    If you have any problems regarding payment, please check with us or contact the payment company directly.

    Payment method

    Credit Card We accept VISA / JCB / Master Card / American Express.
    PayPal (ペイパル) This payment method allows you to shop using your Paypal registration information without entering your address or credit card information.
    ※If you use PayPal, you can pay by bank transfer or JCB card!
    →Click here for PayPal details and new registration
    Shop Pay

    This is a payment service provided by the online shopping system "Shopify".
    When you register your email address and mobile phone number with Shop Pay,

    You can easily pay by simply entering the 6-digit shop pay code (SMS verification) sent to your email address and mobile phone number the next time you make a purchase, without having to re-enter your shipping address or credit card information.

    Further details can be found on the Shop Pay official website.
    Check Shop Pay on the official website (external site)

    Bank Transfer Please transfer the amount directly to our designated bank account. Transfer fees will be borne by the customer. Confirmation can be done on the same day at the latest, and can be done in about 10 minutes at the earliest.


    Regarding Bank Transfer

    We do not accept cash on delivery, but we do accept bank transfer.

    "Bank transfer" will be displayed in the payment field at checkout, so please select bank transfer and complete your order. A subsequent screen displays the payee details.
    Please see here for details.

    We ask that you make the payment within 3 days of placing your order. After confirming the transfer, the item will be shipped via Yamato Transport to the designated shipping address within 1-3 days. After shipping, we will send you a tracking number via separate email.

    Transfer destination financial institution: PayPay Bank

    【important point】
    ・The transfer fee for the product price will be borne by the customer.
    -If the transfer amount is insufficient, we will not be able to ship the item.
    ・Please make the payment within 3 days after purchasing the product.

    Regarding notes regarding payment 

    Fraudulent payment detection system

    Shopify's fraud detection system is activated when you make a payment using someone else's credit card or account. If there is any suspicion of unauthorized use, we may cancel the transaction.

    Card usage may be temporarily suspended.

    When a card is used, if a pattern of fraudulent use is detected that resembles a pattern of past fraudulent use, the fraud detection system may temporarily suspend card use.
    If you are unable to use the card, please contact us using the contact information listed on the back of the card.

    We may contact you to confirm your card usage.

    When using the service, we may contact your credit card company by phone. At that time, we may ask you some simple questions.
    In addition, after the transaction, we may contact the contact information used for the transaction by phone or SMS to confirm that the transaction was made by the person in question.

    About shipping and shipping charges

    ※*This is a regulation regarding products that are handled by people with disabilities. Please see here for regulations regarding premium toys.

    About shipping charge

    Regarding products related to people with disabilities on this site, shipping charges vary depending on the shipping source. If the shipping source is the same, shipping fees are generally charged for each shipment, but depending on the product and shipping source, some items may be shipped free of charge. First, please check the shipping charges on the page of the product you are interested in.
    If it is not listed, shipping charges will be automatically calculated at checkout, but please contact us via the inquiry section or by phone.

    *Please note that the following will be separately borne by the customer.
    ・Shipping costs for returns due to customer circumstances
    ・Shipping fee (actual cost) for products eligible for free shipping when canceled or returned due to customer circumstances

    Regarding shipping time

    Shipping takes 1 to 3 days after receiving your order and payment. After shipping, we will notify you of the shipping company and tracking number you used to your designated email address and registered account.

    About delivery companies

    Basically, the carrier used will vary depending on the shipping source. We will notify you of the tracking number after shipping, so please check it yourself. If you would like to confirm the delivery company you will use in advance, please contact us.

    Products shipped by Prevision-Consulting Co., Ltd. are mainly shipped by Yamato Transport, and only when that service is unavailable, other companies are used.

    About office closure

    If you would like to have your order delivered to your office, please select "Delivery at your office" when placing your order.
    The holding period varies slightly depending on the delivery company, but on average it takes about one week. There is no contact from the vendor regarding the arrival of the product, so please check the shipping status and contact Japan Post or any other delivery company you have been in touch with.

    About delivery address

    Delivery will be made using Japan Post's Yu-Pack or Letter Pack. You cannot specify the delivery company's office, post office box, etc. as the delivery address. If the delivery address falls under any of these categories, we will change the delivery address.

    About date and time specification

    You can select the delivery date and time on the customer information entry screen when placing your order. You can select a delivery date from 3 to 6 days after your order date.
    If no delivery date is specified, the item will be shipped as soon as possible. Even if you select a specific date, we may not be able to accommodate your request depending on the situation. In that case, it will be shipped as soon as possible. The time slots are below.

    • in the morning
    • From 12:00 to 14:00
    • From 14:00 to 16:00
    • From 16:00 to 18:00
    • From 18:00 to 20:00
    • From 19:00 to 21:00
    • From 20:00 to 21:00

    ※*Please note that there are some areas where the specified time service is not available depending on the shipping destination.
    ※Please specify the time before pressing the checkout button in the cart, as shown in the photo below.


    • 発送の際の時間指定にレターパックは対応しておりませんので項目の選択は「時間指定なし」のままでお願いいたします。
    • 配達日時および曜日の指定はできません。
    • お届けにかかる日数は一部地域を除き発送日の翌日~4日前後(翌日はネコポスのみ)となっております。(ご利用のサービスや時期により前後致します。)ただし、追跡番号で追跡可能ですのが、お荷物の状況をご自身でご確認下さい。
    • レターパックでの配送遅延・商品紛失・破損・返品・交換等の補償は、弊社では一切の責任を負いかねます。
    • ポストへの投函のため、ポストに表札のない場合は、弊社に商品が戻ってきてしまいます。
    • 注文時にご登録されるお名前と表札のお名前が違う場合は、[住所(建物名、部屋番号)]欄に○○様方と記載してください。 また、建物名と部屋番号の間などにスペースキーを使用しないでください。 宅配BOXへの配達につきましてですが、郵便物と同じ扱いとなりポストへの投函となりますので、対応しておりません。
    • 信書(請求書等)は発行できません。
    • 梱包時にレターパックの取扱サイズを超過した場合など、宅配便に変更させていただくことがございます。
    • 郵便私書箱宛てや営業所留めではお預かりできません。
    • レターパックのご利用時は、上記の注意事項をご承諾いただけたものとさせていただきます。
    • レターパック2種類に関しては、時間指定できません。

    Product not delivered

    Items other than cash on delivery will be shipped after payment is confirmed. For customers paying by credit card or bank transfer, please first check the payment page to see if the payment has been completed. Payments made by bank transfer will be confirmed on the next day if the payment is made on Saturdays, Sundays, or public holidays. If you have not received your ordered product even after one week has passed from the payment confirmation date, the product may have been stored at the delivery company due to the customer's absence. If you do not have an absentee notification slip, please contact us with your order date, transaction ID, and order details.
    We will check the status of your package and get back to you.

    Regarding tracking number

    The package tracking service will be reflected on the evening of the shipping date, not on the day the email is received.
    If you are unable to use the package tracking service even though the shipping date has passed, please contact us.




    商品発送後に、お受け取りにならずに商品が戻ってきた場合の保管期限は10日間までとさせていただきます。 代金をお支払い済みの商品でも、期限内にご連絡いただけない場合、処分させていただきます。









    Refund policy

    Return policy

    ※These regulations apply to products handled by people with disabilities. Please see here for regulations regarding premium toys.

    基本的に返品は受け付けておりませんが、商品に汚損・破損・故障等がございましたら返品・返金等の対応をさせて頂きますので、メール・電話もしくは「問い合わせ」から当SHOP までご連絡ください。一度、開封・ご使用になられた商品、お客様の責任でキズや汚れが生じた商品の返品・交換は基本的にお受けできませんが、念のため一度お問い合わせ下さい。



    ・ 返品にかかる送料
    ・ 送料無料対象品における商品発送時の送料(実費)
    ※ 当ショップによる汚損・破損・故障等の場合は弊社にて負担させていただきます。







    Regarding orders suspected to be fraudulent payments

    ◆About measures to prevent unauthorized use◆

    ・If we suspect fraudulent use of your credit card in the system operated by this site, we may cancel your order.
    ・If there is anything suspicious, we may ask you to confirm your identity (phone confirmation, identification, etc.).
    ・If the phone number and email address you entered are unreachable, we may cancel your order. In the unlikely event that our company determines that there is a suspicion of fraudulent use and cancels your order, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please check the information you entered and place your order again. Thank you very much.
    ・If you receive a charge from this site that you do not recognize, please contact your credit card company.